IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 卷:15
Single‐pole fault line selection method for MVDC distribution grid based on 0‐mode power
Guobing Song1  Shuping Gao2  Mingxing Shao2  Bicong Duan2  Zhenxi Xu2 
[1] School of Electrical Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an China;
[2] School of Electrical and Control Engineering Xi'an University of Science and Technology Xi'an China;
关键词: Reliability;    Distribution networks;    Power system protection;   
DOI  :  10.1049/gtd2.12245
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract At present, the MVDC distribution grid is developing rapidly and relay protection is the key technology to ensure stable operation. Therefore, this paper focuses on the fault line selection method. Firstly, the fault characteristics are analysed when a fault occurs in the line, and a novel single‐pole fault line selection method is proposed based on 0‐mode power. The polarity of current fault component measured at the terminal of each line is used to identify the internal and external faults. And the 0‐mode power is used to select the faulty line. Finally, to verify the correctness of the proposed method, a radial MVDC distribution grid is built in PSCAD to output fault data in different fault conditions, and the fault line selection algorithm is implemented in MATLAB. The simulation results show that the proposed method is fast, effective, reliable and it has a certain degree of tolerance to transition resistance with a strong anti‐data delay and anti‐interference ability. Moreover, the fault line selection method proposed in this paper can still correctly select the fault line in the case of serious faults such as multiple line faults, sudden removal of lines, and sudden changes in photovoltaic output power.

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