Tellus: Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology 卷:66
Influence of water uptake on the aerosol particle light scattering coefficients of the Central European aerosol
Laurent Poulain1  Gerald Spindler1  Alfred Wiedensohler1  Thomas Müller1  Wolfram Birmili1  Paul Zieger2  Ernest Weingartner2  Rahel Fierz-Schmidhauser2  Urs Baltensperger2 
[1] Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany;
[2] Paul Scherrer Institute, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Villigen, Switzerland;
关键词: aerosol particle light scattering;    hygroscopic growth;    scattering enhancement;    aerosol mass spectrometer;    field measurements;    optical closure study;   
DOI  :  10.3402/tellusb.v66.22716
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The influence of aerosol water uptake on the aerosol particle light scattering was examined at the regional continental research site Melpitz, Germany. The scattering enhancement factor f(RH), defined as the aerosol particle scattering coefficient at a certain relative humidity (RH) divided by its dry value, was measured using a humidified nephelometer. The chemical composition and other microphysical properties were measured in parallel. f(RH) showed a strong variation, e.g. with values between 1.2 and 3.6 at RH=85% and λ=550 nm. The chemical composition was found to be the main factor determining the magnitude of f(RH), since the magnitude of f(RH) clearly correlated with the inorganic mass fraction measured by an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS). Hysteresis within the recorded humidograms was observed and explained by long-range transported sea salt. A closure study using Mie theory showed the consistency of the measured parameters.

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