Sensors 卷:22
Aerogel-Lined Capillaries for Raman Signal Gain of Aqueous Mixtures
Martin Peter Dirauf1  Felix Spiske1  Andreas Siegfried Braeuer1 
[1]Institute of Thermal, Environmental and Resources’ Process Engineering (ITUN), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
关键词: Raman spectroscopy;    optofluidic waveguide;    Raman sensor;    aerogel;    liquid core waveguide;    backward scattering;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s22124388
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
We report an experimental study on the gain of the Raman signal of aqueous mixtures and liquid water when confined in aerogel-lined capillaries of various lengths of up to 20 cm and various internal diameters between 530 and 1000 µm. The lining was made of hydrophobised silica aerogel, and the carrier capillary body consisted of fused silica or borosilicate glass. Compared to the Raman signal detected from bulk liquid water with the same Raman probe, a Raman signal 27 times as large was detected when the liquid water was confined in a 20 cm-long capillary with an internal diameter of 700 µm. In comparison with silver-lined capillaries of the same length and same internal diameter, the aerogel-lined capillaries featured a superior Raman signal gain and a longer gain stability when exposed to mixtures of water, sugar, ethanol and acetic acid.
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