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Manipulizm a pierwsze pełne tłumaczenie „Dziadów” na język angielski
Agata Brajerska-Mazur1 
[1]Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin
关键词: Dziady;    Mickiewicz;    Kraszewski;    Forefathers’ Eve;    manipulism;   
DOI  :  10.12797/MOaP.25.2019.43.03
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Manipulism and the First Complete Verse Translation of “Dziady” into English How did the translator cope with the task of translating into English the national poetic drama series which, together with Pan Tadeusz and Wesele, is considered to be one of the national epics? Did he manage to respond to the linguistic and cultural challenges such as: the complicated structure of the Romantic drama, the combination of low and grand styles, the depiction of Polish society at the time of the Partitions, the interweaving of historical and autobiographical events into the texture of the plot and the Polish reality pictured? Is the epic translatable at all? This translation – like all others – “was not made in the vacuum” which influenced the rendition of its Polishes and the loose structure of Romantic drama. The author of this paper identifies changes and deformations of the Polish Dziady in Kraszewski’s translation and shows their cause.
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