Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan 卷:8
Pengaruh Pemberian Hormon Igf-I (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I) Recombinant Mouseterhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Gurame (Osphronemus Gouramy)
[ Effect of hormones Recombinant Mouse IGF-I (Insulin-Like Growthfactor-I) on The Growth of Osphronemus gouramy]
Prayogo Prayogo1  Woro Hastuti Satyantini1  Dimas Eraparamarta Harkitiyanto2 
[1] Manajemen Kesehatan Ikan dan Budidaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.;
[2] Program Studi Akuakultur, Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.;
关键词: growth, insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i), o.gouramy;   
DOI  :  10.20473/jipk.v8i1.11190
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstrak Konsumsi ikan gurame semakin meningkat setiap tahun mengakibatkan tingginya jumlah permintaan, belum dapat diimbangi produksi yang mencukupi. Laju pertumbuhan ikan gurame dikenal lambat, sehingga untuk mencapai ukuran konsumsi diperlukan waktu pemeliharaan relatif lama. Peningkatan kualitas produksi dengan meningkatkan kemampuan metabolisme sel terhadap asupan pakan ikan melalui penyuntikan hormon insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I) diharapkan dapat memacu pertumbuhan, dan produksi ikan dapat ditingkatkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hormon (IGF-I) recombinant mouse terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan ikan gurame(Osphronemus gouramy). Penelitian adalah metode eksperimental rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), menggunakan ikan gurame sebanyak 80 ekor yang terbagi dalam 4 perlakuanP0 : tanpa disuntik hormon IGF-I, P1 : disuntik hormon IGF-I dengan dosis 10 ng/ml, P2 : disuntik hormon dengan dosis 20 ng/ml dan P3 : disuntik hormon dengan dosis 40 ng/ml masing-masing 5 ulangan setiap ulangan 4 ekor ikan gurame. Perlakuan dengan injeksi hormon IGF-I recombinant mouse. Parameter yang diukur adalah pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penyuntikan hormon IGF-I recombinant mouse dengan dosis yang berbeda memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (p<0,05); pertumbuhan berat (P0: 0 ng/ml = 7,23 gram± 0,37 gram dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 26,35 gram± 1,89 gram) ;pertumbuhan panjang (P0 : 0 ng/ml = 5,76 cm ± 0,38 cm dan P3 : 40 ng/ml = 7,93 cm± 0,07 cm).). Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa IGF-I recombinant mouse berpengaruh meningkatkan pertumbuhan pada peningkatan berat dan panjang ikan gurame pada perlakuan penyuntikan 40 ng/ml.  Abstract Osphronemus gouramy consumption is increasing every year which causes in a high number of inquiries for this fish, cannot be offset sufficiently by the amount of production. The growth rate of O. gouramy are known relatively slow, so that to achieve the required consumption is relatively long. Quality improvement of productivity by improving the ability of cell metabolism to intake of fish feed through hormone injection recombinant mouse insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is expected to spur growth, so that fish production can be increased. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse to the increased growth of O.gouramy. The benefits of this research are expected to deliver the benefitsof science in the form of scientific information to the public in general and fish farmers especially about the effect of the hormone recombinant mouse IGF-I on the growth of O. gouramy.The research is methodis carried out experimentally by using completely randomized design (CRD),this study uses 80 O. gouramy were divided into 4 treatment P0: without hormone injectionsof IGF-I, P1: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 10 ng/ml, P2: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 20 ng/ml and P3: injected with the hormone ata dose of 40ng/ml each of 5 replicates each test 4 O. gouramy. The hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse is done by injection. The treatment with hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I. Parameters measured were growth. The results showed that the treatment hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I with different doses gave significant differences (p <0.05);weight growth (P0: 0 ng/ml = 7,23 gram ± 0,37 gram dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 26,35 gram ± 1,89 gram.); length growth (P0 : 0 ng/ml = 5,76 cm ± 0,38 cm dan P3 : 40 ng/ml = 7,93 cm ± 0,07 cm). The conclusion that recombinant mouse IGF-Iincreased the growth by increasing in weight and length of O. gouramy and improvement of the growth occurred in the treatment injection of the dose: 40ng/ml.

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