Journal of Fasting and Health 卷:4
The 17th congress of parenteral and enteral Nutrition society of Asia (PENSA) and the first symposium on fasting and health, 6th-8th December 2016, Tehran, Iran
Mohsen Nematy1  Atieh Mehdizadeh2  Abdolreza Norouzy2 
[1] Biochemistry and Nutrition, Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Cancer Research Centers, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran;
[2] Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran;
关键词: Congress;    Parenteral and enteral nutrition;    Asia;    Tehran;   
DOI  :  10.22038/jfh.2016.6798
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The 17th Congress of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia (PENSA 2016) and the first Symposium on Fasting and Health will be held on 6th to 8th December 2016 at Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran. The congress is hosted by Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Scientific Committee of Iranian Nutrition Society. This congress is organized with the partnership of Mashhad and Kermanshah Universities of Medical Sciences, Journal of Fasting and health, Nutrition and Health technology Assessment (HTA) Departments in Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education as well as National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute (NNFTRI). The 17th congress of PENSA presents the first symposium on "Fasting and Health", which includes all relevant research reports about fasting and its effects on human health, fasting and diseases and update guidelines related to fasting. Dr. Nematy who is chairperson of “Journal of Fasting and Health” is the manager of this symposium and several experts from different countries are co-chairpersons. Accepted abstracts in the symposium will be published in winter issue of Journal of Fasting and Health.

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