International Journal of Molecular Sciences 卷:22
Effect of the Nucleophile’s Nature on Chloroacetanilide Herbicides Cleavage Reaction Mechanism. A DFT Study
José Luis Paz1  Edgar A. Márquez2  F. Javier Torres3  José R. Mora3  Luis Rincón3  Sebastián A. Cuesta3 
[1]Departamento Académico de Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Química e Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Cercado de Lima 15081, Peru
[2]|Grupo de Investigaciones en Química y Biología, Departamento de Química y Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad del Norte, Carrera 51B, Km 5, Vía Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla 081007, Colombia
[3]|Grupo de Química Computacional y Teórica (QCT-USFQ), Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Quito 170901, Ecuador
关键词: chloroacetanilide herbicides;    nucleophilic substitution;    reaction force;    electronic flux;    DFT calculations;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms22136876
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In this study, the degradation mechanism of chloroacetanilide herbicides in the presence of four different nucleophiles, namely: Br, I, HS, and S2O3−2, was theoretically evaluated using the dispersion-corrected hybrid functional wB97XD and the DGDZVP as a basis set. The comparison of computed activation energies with experimental data shows an excellent correlation (R2 = 0.98 for alachlor and 0.97 for propachlor). The results suggest that the best nucleophiles are those where a sulfur atom performs the nucleophilic attack, whereas the other species are less reactive. Furthermore, it was observed that the different R groups of chloroacetanilide herbicides have a negligible effect on the activation energy of the process. Further insights into the mechanism show that geometrical changes and electronic rearrangements contribute 60% and 40% of the activation energy, respectively. A deeper analysis of the reaction coordinate was conducted, employing the evolution chemical potential, hardness, and electrophilicity index, as well as the electronic flux. The charge analysis shows that the electron density of chlorine increases as the nucleophilic attack occurs. Finally, NBO analysis indicates that the nucleophilic substitution in chloroacetanilides is an asynchronous process with a late transition state for all models except for the case of the iodide attack, which occurs through an early transition state in the reaction.
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