Results in Physics 卷:29
Design and characterization of a kicker for the Tsinghua Thomson scattering storage ring
Wenhui Huang1  Pengrui Zhu2 
[1]Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing CN-100084, China
[2]|Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging, Tsinghua University, Ministry of Education, Beijing CN-100084, China
关键词: Strip-line kicker;    Single-turn injection;    Compact storage ring;    Impedance measurement;    Beam experiment;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The injection scheme of the Tsinghua Thomson scattering storage ring consists of a kicker and a dipole. The pulse length of the kicker deflection should be less than the revolution period, which is a very difficult challenge to overcome in the kicker design due to the compact size of the ring. In this paper, we present the complete design of a prototype stripline kicker based on mode matching, field homogeneity, the maximum electric field and the beam-coupling impedance. The perfect matching transmission of pulse voltage and excellent field homogeneity are realized by optimizing the electrode. A prototype kicker is built, and subsequent tests and beam experiments are carried out. The reflection parameter (S11) measurements confirm the match between the kicker and power supply. The beam-coupling impedance is tested with a coaxial wire and Goubau line, and the results are consistent with the simulations. The beam experiment in the TTX directly proves the transverse deflection of a charged-particle beam passing through the kicker. The stripline kicker will be installed in the storage ring for beam injection and extraction.
【 授权许可】


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