Applied Sciences 卷:12
Numerical Voids Detection in Bonded Metal/Composite Assemblies Using Acousto-Ultrasonic Method
Nathalie Godin1  Aurélien Doitrand1  Jialiang Guo1  Laurent Gaillet2  Sylvain Chataigner2  Cheikh Sarr2 
[1] INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, MATEIS, UMR5510, 69621 Villeurbanne, France;
[2] Laboratoire Structures Métalliques et à Câbles (SMC), University Gustave Eiffel, IFSTTAR, SMC, MAST, Route de Bouaye, 44341 Bouguenais, France;
关键词: acousto-ultrasonic;    acoustic emission;    bonded assemblies;    defects;    FEM model;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app12094153
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This research focuses on the application of an acousto-ultrasonics (AU) technique, a combination of ultrasonic characterization and acoustic emission, to nondestructively detect defects such as voids in bonded metal/composite assemblies. Computational methods are established to examine the effects of voids on the collected signal. The position of the receiver sensor with respect to the defect is also investigated. Given a specific structure and type of actuation signal, the sensor location and probability of detection can be enhanced by the model developed in this work. The defect detection is optimal provided the receiver sensor is located around the epicenter of the defect. Moreover, this work highlights the importance of the choice of reception sensor.

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