Social Technologies 卷:2
E-democracy Projects in the Regions of Lithuania: Evaluation Aspects.404
关键词: e-democracy;    e-participation;    e-participation tools;    e-participation technologies;    e-government;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Purpose—the purpose of the article is to analyse and evaluatee-participation projects in Lithuanian municipalities on thepeculiarities of involving different social technologies.
Design/methodology/approach is based on analysis of scientificliterature, projects reports and comparative analysis of websites undernew index for assessment of e-democracy projects.
Findings—the paper presents an original overview of municipalities’e-participation projects and its peculiarities on the support ofdifferent tools and technologies.
Research limitations/implications—this research deals only withdocuments and opinions of municipalities and is limited to one side ofthe e-participation process. In order to generalize the researchfindings, further investigation should include empirical surveys ofcitizens’ opinions concerning the effectiveness of e-participationprojects.
Practical implications—the results can be used to improve collaborationof citizens with public servants in e-participation projects that areimportant to Lithuanian institutions.
Originality/Value—evaluation of e-participation projects in the newindex for assessment in Lithuanian municipalities has not yet beenexamined deeply enough.
Research type: research paper.

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