Onomástica desde América Latina | 卷:1 |
Las relaciones intercategoriales e intracategoriales en antroponimia. El caso de los nombres de pila en francés de Francia y en español de México | |
Yolanda G. López Franco1  | |
[1] Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México; | |
关键词: anthroponomastics; lexicology; terminology; semantics; categorial shift; | |
DOI : 10.48075/odal.v1i1.24169 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
When analyzing first names from Montpellier, France, and Tlalnepantla, Mexico, by lexicological means, it becomes evident that there is a constant transit between the different subcategories provided by the linguistic terminology. First names that come from last names which, in turn, come from place names. First names that are also nicknames or ethnonyms. First names which are, at the same time, nouns from the general language. Hypocoristics that become full names, etcetera. This exchange between categories and subcategories seems to be associated with both the etymological and the synchronic or affective meaning. And, above all, with identity, to which given names is an unavoidable component, alongside with the notion of parental project and that of onomastic and cultural heritage. The conclusions to this paper are: a) that the category of names (noun and adjective) is just one (Van Langendonck, 2007; Fabre, 1980) but that b) terminology, in its taxonomic role, is required because it allows to apprehend the object study of onomastics, and more broadly the world in the manner of prototypes, archetypes and stereotypes.
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