Miscelánea Comillas 卷:68
The Contribution of Father Nava to Social Work
J. Antonia Freijanés Benito1 
[1] Universidad Pontificia Comillas;
关键词: Trabajo social, Servicios sociales, Ssistente social, Diplomatura en trabajo social, Prácticas profesionales, Supervisión, Reciclaje profesional, Acción profesional, Agente de cambio, Realidad social.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

My goal in writing this article is to highlight the importance the work of Father Adolph Nava had on the profession of Social Workers, centers of practices, and the professors and the students who have attended their studies in the «University School of San Vicente de Paul» of the Pontifical University of Comillas. Father Navas was the first director of this University, as well as the one in charge of relocating the school from its’ first location on the Madrilenianstreet of Martinez Campos to Canto Blanco, where it is currently located.

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