Ciencia UNEMI 卷:8
Situación Higiénico – Sanitaria de las “Huecas” participantes de la Feria Gastronómica Internacional Raíces 2014
Peñafiel-León, Roddy1  Valdez-González, Mercedes2  Alejandro-Morales, Silvia2  Quiroz-Villacis, Jenny2 
[1]Universidad de Guayaquil
[2]|Universidad Espíritu Santo
关键词: for food;    hollow;    hygiene;    handling diseases;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The research aimed to evaluate the level of compliance with food hygiene by handlers 26 “hollow traditional” participants Estate2014 International Food Fair, held in Guayaquil, Ecuador. A survey of hygiene food assessment and direct observation appliedthroughout the food traceability process. The results indicate that 50% of the manipulators are owners of the establishment, 31%are between 20-40 years in office also induce their children to continue with the line of business, 31% between 1-5 years of work.The application of hygiene techniques for both qualitative verification of food, such as conservation, prewash and equipmentfulfilled in 89%, and 88% have pre-work training. Ultimately the “hollow” present an acceptable level of food safety becausethey do not meet all standards of hygiene in frequency, including all staff handles all food traceability process, creating risks ofETA (Borne Diseases Foods). It creates the need to demand and enforce regular food hygiene education programs, which wouldensure greater prestige and profitability to the business.
【 授权许可】


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