ULUM 卷:1
An Overview of Knowledge-Value Relationship in Mu'tazilite Ethical Theory
关键词: Kelâm;    Mutezile Ahlâk;    İlahi Nesnelcilik;    Zorunlu Bilgi;    Değer;    Kalām;    Mu‘tazila;    Ethic;    Divine Objectivism;    Necessary Knowledge;    Value;   
DOI  :  10.5281/zenodo.1488648
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article is concerned with the problem of the relationship between knowledge and value because the ethical theory of Mu‘tazila has an importance in the Mediaeval Age Muslim world. Contrary to Ash’arītes, Mu‘tazila has supported that some objective value terms whether a religion is sent or not, good, bad, and necessary can be known via wisdom with reference to the relationship of knowledge-value. Mu‘tazila supports objectivism in the scope of ethical values; however, we can describe such an objectivist thought, which is supported by them and receives its necessity completely from God, as “divine objectivism”, so to speak. These values were placed in both world of objectives and human mind only by God at the beginning. According to Mu‘tazila, both wisdom and narration are the essential sources about knowing value concepts like good and bad. Therefore, the wisdom that is supported by Mu‘tazila can be accepted as “partial rationalism”. Consequently, according to the ethical system of Mu‘tazila, human can sustain a moral life by using the competent mind given by God at the beginning of creation.

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