Autobiografia 卷:14
Po wykładzie wysłuchanym na stojąco. Strategie uciszania głosów żydowskich studentek wobec getta ławkowego
[1]Instytut Slawistyki PAN
关键词: ghetto benches;    antisemitism;    violence against women;    Interwar;    segregation;    gender;   
DOI  :  10.18276/au.2020.1.14-14
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In my article I propose an outline of a comparative analysis of two disciplinary proceedings initiatedagainst students of the Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty of Stefan Batory Universityin Vilnius, Rywka Profitkier and Estera Tajc, before the introduction of the so-called ghettobenches. Two female students refused to subordinate to the student practice at that time, anddid not take a seat on the left side of the lecture hall. Hence, they both listened to the lecturestanding between the benches. I will situate my analysis in the context of the events of the entire1936/1937 academic year, in which the university was closed for almost three months due to theanti-Jewish violence. The sources consist of the documents of two disciplinary proceedings basedon events that occurred only one day apart, but most importantly, they took a similar course.However, due to the different strategies chosen by the female students, the sanctions imposedon them for not subordinating to the practice of taking seats assigned to Jews at the time weresignificantly different.
【 授权许可】


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