Project Leadership and Society 卷:2
Industry 4.0 in a project context: Introducing 3D printing in construction projects
Emrah Arica1  Nils O.E. Olsson2  Javier Alonso Madrid3  Ruth Woods4 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]|Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 7491, Trondheim, Norway
[3]|SINTEF Community, Postboks 4760 Torgarden, 7465, Trondheim, Norway
[4]|SINTEF Digital, Postboks 4760 Torgarden, 7465, Trondheim, Norway
关键词: Industry 4.0;    3D-printing;    Innovation;    Construction;    Projects;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
As an example of Industry 4.0 in a project context, 3D printing of concrete has the potential to provide a paradigm shift for construction processes with significant implications for project management. This study investigates and reports the enablers and barriers of implementing the innovative 3D printing technology in construction projects, based on a literature review and case study interviews in construction companies. 3D printing can make construction processes more effective, provided that project managers can utilize the potential. The interviews with industry representatives highlighted the issue of cost efficiency of the technology. There is a need to show practical project examples on cost efficiency of the 3D printing technology. To those who manage new technologies 3D printing and other aspects of Industry 4.0 represent an opportunity, while those who struggle to work with and understand new technologies, they represent a challenge or even a threat. Future project managers better be in the first category.
【 授权许可】


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