Alphanumeric Journal 卷:6
A Process Innovation and Its Application in Production and Operations Management
[1] Koluman Automotive Industry, ;
关键词: Line Balancing;    Process Innovation;    Production Management;   
DOI  :  https://dx.doi.org/10.17093/alphanumeric.392217
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Assembly line, one of the most important study-fields of both manufacturing and operations management and operations research, has continued to be a popular field regarding to the technological improvements for the searchers. In the result of process innovation by balancing the stations in the assembly line; the engineering studies, done in the period which is from the first step of the production till the last step that the product is done, have significant results by means of analyzing the different parameters. One of these studies is done in the content of this article regarding to the product of the light truck line of a company in the automotive field. The main targets of this article are; determining the minimum station numbers for assembly line, the operations done in every station and the lost balance of the line. Finally, the results expected in the result of the developed algorithm is written below; Minimizing the late times of the orders, Balancing the used capacity, Minimizing the flow times, Minimizing the late work orders, Balancing the used capacities of the machines and the equipment,

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