الضحی 卷:1
(سامی ادیان میں انسانی عظمت باعتبارِپیدائش وافزائشِ نسلِ انسانی(ایک تقابلی جائزہ
MuhammadAjmal1  saad jaffar saad jaffar2 
[1] Lecturer, Islamic Studies, Army Burnhall Collage, Abbottabad;
[2] Lecturer,Islamic Studies, AUST ;
关键词: creator;    creation;    mankind;    honor;    dignity;    quran;    bible;   
DOI  :  10.51665/al-duhaa.001.01.0050
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Allah is the Creator of the universe, and the best among His creation is human being. He has blessed humans with great honor and dignity. This honor began from the creation of first human, i.e., Hazrat Adam (A.S.).  Allah has created Hazrat Adam (A.S) from His own hands while everything else by His command, this makes human distinct among His creations. During the gathering of angels, He said, “I am sending Hazrat Adam (A.S) as my deputy on the earth”. Holy Quran provides detailed elaboration on the creation of Hazrat Adam (A.S) and the birth of the mankind. Further, the Quran also covers the discussion on the mass used in different stages during the creation of a mankind. The human creation is also discussed in Bible as well. This paper provides comparative study of commonalities and unique aspects in different stages of human birth provided by Quran and Bible.Keywords: Creator , Creation ,Mankind , Honor ,Dignity, Quran ,Bible Comparative.

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