Results in Physics 卷:36
Manipulation of quantum phase transitions with Z 2 symmetry for a realistic hybrid system
Xin-Ke Li1  Yan-Zhang Dong2  Yuan Zhou2  Long Jin3  Guang-Hui Wang4  Shuang-Liang Yang4  Dong-Yan Lü4  Fazal Badshah4  Yan-Hua Fu4 
[1] Corresponding author.;
[2] School of Automobile Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, China;
[3] School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, China;
[4] School of Mathematics, Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, China;
关键词: Hybrid system;    Quantum phase transition;    Tavis–Cummings model;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The critical behavior of the light-matter interactions in controllable systems provides an attractive direction for quantum manipulation. Inspired by “the broken symmetry will give rise to the quantum phase transitions (QPTs)”, the open-system QPTs of the Tavis–Cummings (TC) interactions with an extra second-order nonlinearity (SONL) are explored, where the systemic symmetry is reduced from U ( 1 ) to Z 2 . The critical behavior of a generic spins-microwave hybrid system is investigated using the standard mean-field approach in conjunction with different factors such as the SONL phase, the spins’ collective decay and dephasing, cavity dissipation, and detunings. The results show that all of the three decoherence factors and the detunings will affect its critical points, and the phase of SONL can especially exhibit a protective effect on QPTs. This study provides an encouraging example for mimicking the interesting light-matter interactions, and may further evoke some potential applications in quantum manipulations.

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