Production Engineering Archives 卷:27
Green logistics - modern transportation process technology
Ingaldi Manuela1  Larin Andrey Nikolaevich2  Kiriliuk Olga2  Larina Irina Vyacheslavovna2 
[1] Czestochowa University of Technology,ul. Dabrowskiego 69, 42-201Czestochowa, Poland;
[2] Omsk State Transport University (OmGUPS),Marx st. 35, 644046, Omsk, Russia;
关键词: green logistics;    technology;    green transport;    sustainable development;    sdgs;    l23;    m11;   
DOI  :  10.30657/pea.2021.27.24
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Green logistics is the part of the activities of an enterprise aimed at measuring and minimizing the impact of logistics activities on the environment. Such actions are dictated by the possibility of achieving a competitive advantage in the market, because clients require it. Transport is a particularly important area with a huge impact on the environment, because it is identified as the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Green transport is low-emission and ecological travelling mode. The goals of green transport are not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, noise and space use, but also to reduce poverty and promote economic growth. Transport is considered green when it supports environmental sustainability, but also supports the other two pillars of sustainable development, i.e. economic and social. This paper discusses the application of the concept of "green" logistics and "green" technologies in transport in the transportation process. The modern requirements for transport in the field of environmental safety and compliance with environmental requirements both on the part of customers and on the part of states are considered.

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