International Journal for Court Administration 卷:8
Can Artificial Intelligence and Online Dispute Resolution enhance efficiency and effectiveness in Courts
John Zeleznikow1 
[1] Victoria University;
关键词: Self-Represented Litigants, Access to Justice, Online Dispute Resolution, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning;   
DOI  :  10.18352/ijca.223
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The growing rise in the number of self-represented litigants has negative implications for both the court system and access to justice.The expanding use of Artificial Intelligence and the World Wide Web has led to the development and use of Online Dispute Resolution.In this article we investigate a number of systems in Australian Family Law that enhance Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice.We discuss how a hybrid system that incorporates advice about BATNAs and potential trade-offs as well as allowing online communication can enhance access to justice.

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