Energies 卷:13
Multi-Year High-Voltage Power System Planning Considering Active Power Curtailment
Florian Schäfer1  Martin Braun1 
[1]Department of Energy Management and Power System Operation, University of Kassel, 34121 Kassel, Germany
关键词: power system planning;    high-voltage;    curtailment;    multi-year;    long-term planning;    time series;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en13184920
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Integrating active power curtailment (APC) of renewable energy sources (RES) in power system planning reduces necessary investments in the power system infrastructure. In current target grid planning methods, APC is considered by fixed curtailment factors without considering the provided flexibility to its full extent. Time-series-based planning methods allow the integration of the time dependency of RES and loads in power system planning, leading to substantial cost savings compared to the worst-case method. In this paper, we present a multi-year planning strategy for high-voltage power system planning, considering APC as an alternative investment option to conventional planning measures. A decomposed approach is chosen to consider APC and conventional measures in a long-term planning horizon of several years. The optimal investment path is obtained with the discounted cash flow method. A case study is conducted for the SimBench high-voltage urban benchmark system. Results show that the time-series-based method allows for reducing investments by up to 84% in comparison to the worst-case method. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis shows the variation in total expenditures with changing cost assumptions.
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