Ecology and Evolution 卷:11
Detection of the elusive Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) using environmental DNA at Malpelo island (Eastern Pacific, Colombia)
Stéphanie Manel1  Loïc Pellissier2  Eilísh Richards2  Felipe Ladino3  Sandra Bessudo3  Camille Albouy4  Tom B. Letessier5  Giomar H. Borrero‐Pérez6  Andrea Polanco Fernández6  Maria Mutis Martinezguerra6  Laure Velez7  Florine Hadjadj7  David Mouillot7  Jean‐Baptiste Juhel7  Nicolas Loiseau7  Régis Hocdé7  Virginie Marques7  Tony Dejean8  Alice Valentini8 
[1] CEFE University of Montpellier CNRS EPHE‐PSL University IRD Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 Montpellier France;
[2] Department of Environmental Systems Science Landscape Ecology Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems ETH Universitӓt Zürich Zürich Switzerland;
[3] Fundación Malpelo Bogotá Colombia;
[4] IFREMER Unité Ecologie et Modèles pour l'Halieutique EMH Nantes France;
[5] Institute of Zoology Zoological Society of London London UK;
[6] Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras‐INVEMAR Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC) Santa Marta Colombia;
[7] MARBEC University of Montpellier CNRS, Ifremer, IRD Montpellier France;
[8] SPYGEN Le Bourget‐du‐Lac France;
关键词: eDNA;    megafauna;    mobile species;    pelagic;   
DOI  :  10.1002/ece3.7057
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Monitoring large marine mammals is challenging due to their low abundances in general, an ability to move over large distances and wide geographical range sizes. The distribution of the pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales is informed by relatively rare sightings, which does not permit accurate estimates of their distribution ranges. Hence, their conservation status has long remained Data Deficient (DD) in the Red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which prevent appropriate conservation measures. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding uses DNA traces left by organisms in their environments to detect the presence of targeted taxon, and is here proved to be useful to increase our knowledge on the distribution of rare but emblematic megafauna. Retrieving eDNA from filtered surface water provides the first detection of the Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) around the remote Malpelo island (Colombia). Environmental DNA collected during oceanic missions can generate better knowledge on rare but emblematic animals even in regions that are generally well sampled for other taxa.

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