Tobacco Induced Diseases 卷:19
Commercial determinants of youth smoking in ASEAN countries: A narrative review of research investigating the influence of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship
Thomas Stubbs1 
[1] School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, Australia;
关键词: tobacco;    smoking;    youth;    taps;    asean;   
DOI  :  10.18332/tid/139124
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

IntroductionTobacco smoking is one of the leading causes of death and disability inthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Despite implementation ofsome tobacco control measures, youth continue to initiate smoking. This narrativereview outlines how tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) mayinfluence smoking attitudes and uptake among youth in the region.MethodsNine electronic databases were searched on EBSCOhost to identifystudies published up until December 2019. All studies published in Englishthat investigated youth smoking and TAPS in ASEAN countries were included.Thematic analysis was used to investigate the influence of TAPS on youth smoking.ResultsThirty-seven studies were identified. This research showed that youth wereexposed and receptive to tobacco advertising, which may contribute to positiveattitudes towards tobacco brands and smoking. Studies also demonstrated thatyouth were exposed to point-of-sale (POS) advertisements or promotions andindividual sales promotions. However, little research has explored how thesestrategies influence attitudes and consumption behaviors among youth, or, howonline advertising and cigarette packet branding may influence youth smoking.ConclusionsYouth in ASEAN countries continue to be exposed to TAPS, particularlythrough POS advertisements or promotions and individual sales promotions.There is also cause for concern about ‘below-the-line’ advertising and theincreasing role of cigarette packaging as a promotional tool. These findingssupport calls for all ASEAN countries to ratify the Framework Convention onTobacco Control (FCTC), introduce comprehensive bans on all forms of tobaccoadvertising, including POS advertising and cigarette pack displays, and implementplain packaging legislation for tobacco products.

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