International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 卷:8
Multiple-Robot Systems for USAR: Key Design Attributes and Deployment Issues
关键词: Single-Human Multiple-Robot System;    Urban Search & Rescue;    Communication;    Computation;    Cognitive Workload;    Situation Awareness;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The interaction between humans and robots is undergoing an evolution. Progress in this evolution means that humans are close to robustly deploying multiple robots. Urban search and rescue (USAR) can benefit greatly from such capability. The review shows that with state of the art artificial intelligence, robots can work autonomously but still require human supervision. It also shows that multiple robot deployment (MRD) is more economical, shortens mission durations, adds reliability as well as addresses missions impossible with one robot and payload constraints. By combining robot autonomy and human supervision, the benefits of MRD can be applied to USAR while at the same time minimizing human exposure to danger. This is achieved with a single-human multiple-robot system (SHMRS). However, designers of the SHMRS must consider key attributes such as the size, composition and organizational structure of the robot collective. Variations in these attributes also induce fluctuations in issues within SHMRS deployment such as robot communication and computational load as well as human cognitive workload and situation awareness (SA).Research is essential to determine how the attributes can be manipulated to mitigate these issues while meeting the requirements of the USAR mission.

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