Athenea Digital 卷:21
Humanizar usuários de crack na pesquisa. Considerações sobre a Cracolândia
Ygor Alves1  Pedro Gomes Pereira1 
[1]Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo
关键词: Cracolândia;    Cocaína;    Comunidades;    Etnografia;    De Braços Abertos;   
DOI  :  10.5565/rev/athenea.2871
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article is based on ethnographic research that has developed in the São Paulo region known as Cracolândia. Ethnographic accounts are added to the portion of academic literature on the subject, some news in the media and excerpts from conversations with visitors from that specific part of the neighborhood of Luz. Through them, we seek to make sense of a more human picture of the place and the people who have found a way of life there. We have come to know that people who use crack in that context cannot be scaled solely by their drug use; and that even Cracolândia can be perceived and experienced as a place full of joy and humanity, despite the moral panic surrounding crack.
【 授权许可】


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