Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 卷:2
Fabrication of ZrC–SiC composites using zirconium salt as raw materials
关键词: In situ reaction;    Ceramic composites;    ZrC–SiC matrix;    Zirconium salt;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jascer.2014.07.002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A ZrC–SiC matrix was fabricated by means of in situ reaction method, using zirconium salt, silicon powder and phenolic resin as raw materials. The performances of zirconium salt determined the possibility of ZrC–SiC matrix fabricated using them. The reactions were completed at a relatively low temperature (∼1500 °C). With this concept to produce a ZrC–SiC matrix costs can be reduced. Three-dimensional needle Cf/ZrC–SiC composites were successfully fabricated via the polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) process using zirconium salt, silicon powder and phenolic resin as raw materials.

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