Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 卷:30
Electrolyte membranes for intermediate temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Chenxi Xu1  Ranran Wang2  Tao Xiao2  Zhongwei Fang2  Zhou Chang2  Zuolei Zhu2 
[1] Corresponding author.;
[2] School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, 230009, China;
关键词: Intermediate temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells;    Proton exchange membrane;    Polymer membrane;    Composite membrane;    Inorganic fillers;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

An overview of intermediate temperature (100–300 °C) proton conducting membrane electrolyte materials for fuel cells is presented in this review. The fuel cells operated in intermediate temperature range could enhance the electrochemical kinetics, simplify water management, and improve impurities resistance. Polyfluorosulfonic acid polymer membrane represented by Nafion, and non-fluorinated arylene polymer membranes represented by polybenzimidazole are the two most widely polymer electrolyte membranes for intermediate temperature membrane. The structure regulation and fillers addition are two effective ways to maintain the conductivity and mechanical properties of membranes at intermediate temperature. Moreover, heteropolyacids, metal pyrophosphates and inorganic membranes also have attracted widespread attention when they operate at intermediate temperature.

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