Computers 卷:11
Tangible and Personalized DS Application Approach in Cultural Heritage: The CHATS Project
Konstantinos Michalakis1  George Caridakis1  Giorgos Trichopoulos1  Markos Konstantakis1  John Aliprantis1 
[1]Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, 81100 Mytilene, Greece
关键词: tangible interfaces;    digital storytelling;    augmented reality;    personalization;    context awareness;    Arduino;   
DOI  :  10.3390/computers11020019
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Storytelling is widely used to project cultural elements and engage people emotionally. Digital storytelling enhances the process by integrating images, music, narrative, and voice along with traditional storytelling methods. Newer visualization technologies such as Augmented Reality allow more vivid representations and further influence the way museums present their narratives. Cultural institutions aim towards integrating such technologies in order to provide a more engaging experience, which is also tailored to the user by exploiting personalization and context-awareness. This paper presents CHATS, a system for personalized digital storytelling in cultural heritage sites. Storytelling is based on a tangible interface, which adds a gamification aspect and improves interactivity for people with visual impairment. Technologies of AR and Smart Glasses are used to enhance visitors’ experience. To test CHATS, a case study was implemented and evaluated.
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