BMC Palliative Care 卷:17
Analysis of factors delaying the surgical treatment of patients with neurological deficits in the course of spinal metastatic disease
Grzegorz Guzik1 
[1] Orthopedic Oncology Department, Specialist Hospital in Brzozów- Podkarpacki Oncology Center;
关键词: Metastases;    Spinal tumors;    Surgical treatment of the spine;    Resections of spinal tumors;    Spinal stabilization;    Neurological deficits;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12904-018-0295-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Thoracic spine cancer metastases is frequently the cause of neurological deficits. Despite the availability of diagnostics, delays in treatment are still quite common. The aim of this work is to analyze the reasons for delayed diagnostics and treatment, in patients with neurological deficits in the course of metastatic spine disease. Methods In our study patients medical data was analyzed from 2013 to 2015. The analysis covered the following aspects: symptoms of metastases, time of neurological deficits occurrence, where and when initial diagnostics were performed, time from diagnosis to proper surgical treatment in an oncological centre. In total, 411 patients were consulted and 287 were operated on. Of 112 patients with neurological deficits, 64 underwent surgeries. Women represented the majority of the patients. The most common primary neoplasms were breast cancer and myeloma. Results In 75% of the patients neurological symptoms occurred prior to admission to a hospital. The average time between the onset of neurological symptoms and medical consultation was 4 days. The patients were diagnosed mainly at neurologic, orthopedic and emergency departments. The mean time between undergoing radiological examinations and receiving the examinations results was 2.4 days for CT and 2.8 days for MRI. The average time between a patients’ admission from the department where they were initially diagnosed, to the orthopedic oncology ward was 4.5 days. Conclusions The most common cause of the delayed treatment of patients with neurological deficits, in the course of metastatic spine disease, is a combination of the lack of knowledge among patients and healthcare personnel regarding the necessity of early diagnosis.

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