Frontiers in Psychology 卷:12
An Adaptive Design for Item Parameter Online Estimation and Q-Matrix Online Calibration in CD-CAT
Wenyi Wang1  Yukun Tu1  Juanjuan Zheng1  Teng Wang1  Lihong Song2 
[1] School of Computer and Information Engineering, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China;
[2] School of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China;
关键词: cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing;    item bank;    item parameter;    the Q-matrix;    optimal design;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2021.710497
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The implementation of cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing often depends on a high-quality item bank. How to online estimate the item parameters and calibrate the Q-matrix required by items becomes an important problem in the construction of the high-quality item bank for personalized adaptive learning. The related previous research mainly focused on the calibration method with the random design in which the new items were randomly assigned to examinees. Although the way of randomly assigning new items can ensure the randomness of data sampling, some examinees cannot provide enough information about item parameter estimation or Q-matrix calibration for the new items. In order to increase design efficiency, we investigated three adaptive designs under different practical situations: (a) because the non-parametric classification method needs calibrated item attribute vectors, but not item parameters, the first study focused on an optimal design for the calibration of the Q-matrix of the new items based on Shannon entropy; (b) if the Q-matrix of the new items was specified by subject experts, an optimal design was designed for the estimation of item parameters based on Fisher information; and (c) if the Q-matrix and item parameters are unknown for the new items, we developed a hybrid optimal design for simultaneously estimating them. The simulation results showed that, the adaptive designs are better than the random design with a limited number of examinees in terms of the correct recovery rate of attribute vectors and the precision of item parameters.

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