Politeja 卷:15
Chrześcijański konserwatyzm. Wybrane aspekty teologiczne w twórczości Filareta Moskiewskiego (Drozdowa)
Dymitr Romanowski1 
[1] Uniwersytet Jagielloński;
关键词: the Church;    grace;    anthropology;    modernity;    tradition;   
DOI  :  10.12797/Politeja.15.2018.53.09
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Christian Conservatism. Selected Theological Aspects in the Works of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov)The article aims to present the sources of Russian conservatism, based on the Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) works. Special attention is given to the critique of the ‘project of the autonomy of reason’, which is essential for the political culture of modernity. For Filaret the fundamental paradox of human condition is that the only purpose of human’s life is a supernatural goal, or Eternal Life. In the political perspective, it means that it is wrong to accept the existence of a temporal or political order separated from the spiritual order.

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