Університети і лідерство
Volunteering as a trend of educational work in higher education establishments
关键词: volunteering, higher education applicants, leadership, professional competences, societal competence, student youth;   
DOI  :  10.31874/2520-6702-2019-7-1-97-104
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Theoretical and practical bases for forming professional competencies of higher education training applicants through participation in volunteering. It is indicated that the process of professional training in the higher education establishments should be aimed at the formation of a competitive specialist, taking into account the needs of employers and the realities of today. Volunteering is presented as an important resource for development and education of the specialists of different specialties because from the one hand volunteering allows to get general competencies and from the other hand it allows to gain the necessary experience in the future professional activities even during training process.The wide use of volunteering as a trend of educational work in higher education institutions will contribute to the formation of a coherent and harmonious personality and professional. The experience of usage of volunteering as a field of educational work in higher education institution on the example of the State Technical University “Azov State Technical University” is analyzed. The use of a new tool in the educational process - the diary of volunteer practice - is analyzed. The results of the conducted sociological research - through the method of interviewing of the applicants of higher education - according to the effectiveness of the organization of volunteer practice are presented. Volunteering can increase students' motivation to learn vocationally-oriented disciplines, but under the conditions of properly organized and controlled process of volunteeing. Therefore, higher education institutions need to develop and implement new forms of work that will be perceived and performed by the students. This will enhance the competitiveness of professionals in the labor market.

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