Trudy Odesskogo Politehničeskogo Universiteta 卷:3
Heat transfer optimization of heat exchange surfaces of boiler equipment with decrease in consumption of combustion products
Brunetkin Alexander I.1 
[1] Odessa National Polytechnic University;
关键词: uncertified fuel;    heat transfer intensification;    flue gas recirculation;   
DOI  :  10.15276/opu.3.53.2017.04
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The possibility of intensifying of heat transfer process with decrease of consumption of combustion products for a given heat release is considered. Such situation can occur when alternative (uncertified) combustible gases are used in boiler equipment designed for methane burning and having certain geometry of the heat exchange surfaces. The evaluation was based on the use of ethylene. It is proposed to compensate the decrease of the combustion products due to the recirculation of flue gases. Two possible points of their supply were considered: in the furnace and to the entrance of the convective heating surfaces. The effectiveness was evaluated and a comparison of these options was made.

【 授权许可】


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