Iranian South Medical Journal 卷:21
From Transfer of Research Question to Promoting the Use of Evidence in the Process of Knowledge Translation: Self-Assessment of Researchers in Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
Ali Hamidi1  Sara Dakhesh1  Afshin Ostovar2 
[1] Department of Medical Library and Information Sciences, School of Paramedical, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran;
[2] The Persian Gulf Tropical Medicine Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran;
关键词: Researchers;    Knowledge translation;    Transfer of research question;    Knowledge production;    Knowledge transfer;    promoting the use of evidence;    Bushehr University of Medical Sciences;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background: The knowledge transfer gap is one of the challenges facing the healthcare system. Nowadays, choosing the right and all-inclusive audience, determining the research priorities and publishing the key message of the research in a simple and understandable language have a special place in research. Knowledge translation is an effective strategy for acceptance and application of research results in practice. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the performance of researchers at Bushehr University of Medical Sciences from the transfer of research question to promoting the use of evidence in the process of knowledge translation.Materials and Methods: This descriptive survey recruited a population of researchers from Bushehr University of Medical Sciences who were randomly selected. Eighty-three researchers were selected if they met the inclusion criteria of having at least five approved research projects from 2011 to 2015 as the main researcher or collaborator. Data were collected using Self-Assessment Questionnaire of Academic Researchers Knowledge Translation Activities, which was validated in another phase of this research.Results: The findings of this study showed that the researchers' performance was better in the following items: knowing research priorities of the university (4±1.08), familiarity with the users of the research results (3.61±0.90) (the transfer of research question domain), conducting up-to-date research in accordance with the needs of the stakeholders (4.25±0.84), performing the necessary activities to produce a transmittable message (4.09±0.83) and observing the appropriate interval between determining the subject and beginning the study (4.08±0.83) (knowledge production domain), publication of research results in local and foreign journals (4.58±0.65), presenting the research results in local and foreign conferences, seminars and congresses (4.22±0.95) (knowledge transfer domain) and conducting research with the objective of evidence-based decision making (3.97±1.02) (promoting the use of evidence domain).Conclusion: The results indicate that although the performance of researchers is Bushehr University of Medical Sciences is at a desirable level in the whole process of knowledge translation, but the gap between the knowledge and practice in transfer of research question and knowledge requires effective intervention. Therefore, it is suggested that a Knowledge Translation Committee be established at the Deputy of Research and Technology. 

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