Sciences du Jeu 卷:9
Entre jeux épisodiques et séries télévisées, l’émergence de formes de narration vidéoludique inédites ?
关键词: chronotope;    episodic narrative;    hypotext;    interplay;    metalepsis;    seriality;   
DOI  :  10.4000/sdj.923
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper aims to address the question of the contributions within the opposition/conjunction of gaming and narrative from the point of view of the relations that can be established, in terms of story design and script writing, between video games and TV shows. The hypothesis advanced here is that the detachment displayed by a certain number of recent games from the film narrative model would be linked, among other things, to a growing rapprochement with the TV series’ narrative form. The outstanding importance that series have gained in our cultures and societies, the multiplied mutations that they induce within the writing, production, distribution and reception practices are influencing the aesthetics and the narrative modalities of video games. If the serial dimension leads to the rethinking of the possible articulations between game and story, as well as between ludic activity and narrative production, it also directly questions the potential impact of the point-and-click genre and the preponderance of the spatial dimension of the narrative with respect to the temporal dimension.
【 授权许可】


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