AIMS Mathematics 卷:7
Fekete-Szegö and Hankel inequalities for certain class of analytic functions related to the sine function
Huo Tang1  Li-Na Ma1  Shu-Hai Li1  Gangadharan Murugusundaramoorthy2 
[1] 1. School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Chifeng University, Chifeng 024000, Inner Mongolia, China;
[2] 2. Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore-632014, Tamilnadu, India;
关键词: analytic function;    starlike function;    subordination;    coefficient problem;    fekete-szegöinequality;    hankel determinant;    poisson distribution series;   
DOI  :  10.3934/math.2022354
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this present investigation, the authors obtain Fekete-Szegö inequality for certain normalized analytic function $ f(\zeta) $ defined on the open unit disk for which$ (f'(\zeta)^{\vartheta}\left( \frac{\zeta f'(\zeta )}{f(\zeta )}\right)^{1-\vartheta} \prec 1+\sin \zeta ; \qquad (0\leq \vartheta \leq 1) $lies in a region starlike with respect to $ 1 $ and symmetric with respect to the real axis. As a special case of this result, the Fekete-Szegö inequality for a class of functions defined through Poisson distribution series is obtained. Further, we discuss the second Hankel inequality for functions in this new class.

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