Micromachines 卷:11
Driving Waveform Design of Electrowetting Displays Based on an Exponential Function for a Stable Grayscale and a Short Driving Time
Zichuan Yi1  Lingling Shui1  Chongfu Zhang1  Feng Chi1  Zhenyu Huang2  Guofu Zhou2  Li Wang2  Wenyao He2  Shufa Lai3 
[1] College of Electron and Information, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Zhongshan Institute, Zhongshan 528402, China;
[2] Institute of Electronic Paper Displays, South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
[3] Shenzhen Guohua Optoelectronics Tech. Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518110, China;
关键词: electrowetting display;    driving waveform;    aperture ratio;    exponential function;    time constant;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mi11030313
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The traditional driving waveform of the electrowetting display (EWD) has many disadvantages, such as the large oscillation of the target grayscale aperture ratio and a long time for achieving grayscale. Therefore, a driving waveform based on the exponential function was proposed in this study. First, the maximum driving voltage value of 30 V was obtained by testing the hysteresis curve of the EWD pixel unit. Secondly, the influence of the time constant on the driving waveform was analyzed, and the optimal time constant of the exponential function was designed by testing the performance of the aperture ratio. Lastly, an EWD panel was used to test the driving effect of the exponential-function-driving waveform. The experimental results showed that a stable grayscale and a short driving time could be realized when the appropriate time constant value was designed for driving EWDs. The aperture ratio oscillation range of the gray scale could be reduced within 0.95%, and the driving time of a stable grayscale was reduced by 30% compared with the traditional driving waveform.

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