Frontiers in Oncology 卷:6
Glycerophosphocholine and glycerophosphoethanolamine are not the main sources of the in vivo 31P MRS phosphodiester signals from healthy fibroglandular breast tissue at 7 tesla.
Jurgen H Runge1  Aart J Nederveen1  Bertine L Stehouwer2  Peter R Luijten2  Jannie P Wijnen2  Dennis WJ Klomp2  Wybe JM van der Kemp2 
[2]|UMC Utrecht
关键词: Breast;    Phospholipids;    7 Tesla;    relaxation time;    MRSI;    31P;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fonc.2016.00029
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Purpose: The identification of the phosphodiester 31P MR signals in the healthy human breast at ultra-high field.Methods:In vivo 31P MRS measurements at 7 tesla of the phosphodiester signals in the breast were performed investigating the chemical shifts, the transverse- and the longitudinal relaxation times. Chemical shifts and transverse relaxation times were compared with non-ambiguous phosphodiester signals from the liver.Results: The chemical shifts of the phosphodiester signals are shifted -0.5 ppm with respect to glycerophosphocholine and -ethanolamine, and the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times for these signals are a factor 3 to 4 shorter than expected for aqueous glycerophosphocholine and -ethanolamine.Conclusions: The available experimental evidence suggests that glycerophosphocholine and –ethanolamine are not the main source of the phosphodiester signals measured in fibroglandular breast tissue at 7 tesla. These signals may predominantly originate from mobile phospholipids.
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