Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 卷:7
Improvement parameters in dynamic compaction adjacent to the slopes
关键词: Dynamic compaction;    Slopes and trenches;    Crater depth;    Improvement depth;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jrmge.2015.02.002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Dynamic compaction is a cost-effective method commonly used for improvement of sandy soils. A number of researchers have investigated experimentally and numerically the improvement parameters of soils using dynamic compaction, such as crater depth, improvement depth, and radial improvement, however, these parameters are not studied for improvement adjacent to the slopes or trenches. In this research, four different slopes with different inclinations are modeled numerically using the finite element code ABAQUS, and impact loads of dynamic compaction are applied. The static factors of safety are kept similar for all trenches and determined numerically by application of gravity loads to the slope using strength reduction method (SRM). The analysis focuses on crater depth and improvement region which are compared to the state of flat ground. It can be observed that compacted area adjacent to the slopes is narrower and slightly away from the slope compared to the flat state. Moreover, crater depth increases with increase in slope inclination.

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