Jangwa Pana 卷:16
Cazadores sin presas, horticultores sin tierra. Una aproximación a las formas actuales de producción y acceso al alimento en el pueblo indígena Hitnu
关键词: Food crisis;    production of food;    access to food;    Hitnu;   
DOI  :  http://dx.doi.org/10.21676/16574923.2129
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Hitnu indigenous people suffer from a serious food crisis that has been sharpened by many factors in recent years.The purpose of this text is to present a multi-causal overview of the current situation of the production and accessto food by this indigenous group. The purpose is to understand the situation that they are facing, and to contributeThe Hitnu indigenous people suffer from a serious food crisis that has been sharpened by many factors in recent years.The purpose of this text is to present a multi-causal overview of the current situation of the production and accessto food by this indigenous group. The purpose is to understand the situation that they are facing, and to contribute

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