EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web 卷:5
Depth-based Adaptive and Energy-aware (DAE) Routing Scheme for UWSNs
Ayub Khan1  Lailma Javed2  Fazle Hadi2  Sheeraz Ahmed3  Saqib Shahid Rahim4  M.Usman Akhtar5 
[2]|Career Dynamics Research Centre, Peshawar, Pakistan
[3]|Preston University, Peshawar, Pakistan
[4]|Abasyn University, Peshawar, Pakistan
[5]|Preston University, Peshawar, Pakistan
关键词: Stability Period;    UWSN;    Throughput;    End-to-End Delay;    Anycasting;   
DOI  :  10.4108/eai.10-4-2018.154449
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
A successful development of UWSN in different areas is going on where a continuous and remote examining, detection and monitoring required under the water. Ample of research papers have been available that emphasis on different parameters such as energy consumption, throughput, stability period, end-to-end delay in UWSNs. In our research, we focus on the decrease of endto-delay, increase its stability period and throughput as well as load balancing of motes. In order to attain our objective we propose a scheme called DAE with major goal to implement the technique of anycasting. Finally we compared DAE with two existing protocols DBR and AMCTD. The performance of DAE is much efficient than these schemes in various parameters. Outcomes shows that the throughput and stability period of DAE are much better than DBR as well as AMCTD and these results are achieved with minimum delay.
【 授权许可】


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