Cogent Mathematics 卷:3
Taylor expansions for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers
Lily Li Liu1  Xiaoli Li1 
[1] Qufu Normal University;
关键词: Catalan-like numbers;    Catalan numbers;    Schröder numbers;    Motzkin numbers;    Taylor expansion;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23311835.2016.1200305
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In 2002, Eu, Liu and Yeh introduced new Taylor expansions of the generating function of Catalan and Motzkin numbers. And they presented that this Taylor style expansion can be applied to more generating functions satisfying some relations (Advances in Applied Mathematics, 29 (2002) 345–357). In this paper, we focus on this Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers, which are common generalizations of many classic counting coefficients, such as the Catalan numbers, the Motzkin numbers and the Schröder numbers. We present the recurrence relations of the coefficients and bivariate generating functions of the remainders of the new Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers.

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