Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici 卷:2015
The synergistic action of the main actors in the field of sustainable production and consumption
Sudarević Tomislav1  Milovanov Olja1 
[1]Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici, Subotica, Serbia
关键词: sustainable production;    sustainable consumption;    sustainability;    modern consumerism;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The concept of sustainable development is faced with great interest both in theory, by scientific researchers, and in practice, by managers and policy makers in many countries. Given the fact that humanity has no 'spare planet' to live on and that the deterioration of the climatic conditions is a global issue, promoting sustainable production and consumption becomes the activity that is in focus of many actors. The paper analyzes the activities - of consumers, companies and government, as three key actors. Each of them is important in promoting the idea of sustainability, with the ability for substantiation of synergetic effect. Concrete examples advocate that thesis, while having the concept of consumer society not opposed to the aim of preserving the planet. Consumption is the driver of production and without open spiral of these two processes there is no development of society at all. The point is in a qualitative step from production and consumption of material goods that have a negative impact on the limited resources of the planet, towards those that have a positive one.
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