Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 卷:7
Building an Agent-Based Laboratory Infrastructure for Higher Education
Hong Lin1  Khoi Nguyen1  Muna Saqer1 
[1] University of Houston-Downtown;
关键词: Grid;    Multi-Agent Systems;    Education Infrastructure;    Laboratory;    Undergraduate Education;    Computer Cluster;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We present an ongoing project at the University of Houston- Downtown (UHD) that aims to build a grid as a laboratory environment to support undergraduate education. We intend to use this PC clusters centered grid to allow students to perform laboratory exercises through web interfaces. In order to accommodate lab packages of a growing number of courses, we design the system as a modular system using multi-agent modeling. Students are recruited to implement the units of the system as senior student project topics or research activities sponsored by the Scholar's Academy of UHD. Through these projects, we geared our research toward higher education and provided students with opportunities to participate in building a computational infrastructure for curriculum improvement. This is very important for a minority-serving institution (MSI) with limited resources such as UHD.

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