Journal of Eating Disorders 卷:10
Covert therapeutic micro-processes in non-recovered eating disorders with childhood trauma: an interpersonal process recall study
Malin E. Olofsson1  Asle Hoffart1  Hanne W. Oddli1  KariAnne R. Vrabel1 
[1] Department of Psychology, University of Oslo;
关键词: Eating disorders;    Trauma;    Process research;    Working alliance;    Qualitative methods;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s40337-022-00566-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Plain English summary A patient perspective on individual ED treatment processes is scarce for difficult-to-treat eating disorders (EDs) with childhood trauma (CT). We therefore interviewed six poor long-term outcome inpatients through video-assisted recall about a self-selected therapy session. Patients’ covert in-session strategies included self-effacing behaviours in relation to their therapist, their respective preferences for closeness or distance to their therapist to be able to open up in session, and being more prone to engage in therapists’ reflective interventions rather than experiential. In sum, patients were preoccupied with calibrating the emotional–relational landscape between patient and therapist in session, which were strategies that went undetected. We hypothesized that a lack of psychological security and affective tolerance limit patients freedom to explore own experiences from the perspective of traumatic attachment and self-differentiation theory.

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