Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines | 卷:38 |
Las dimensiones espaciales del manejo de crisis. Interés de la investigación y aplicación en Quito | |
关键词: spatial approach; vulnerability; preparedness; crisis management; Quito; prevention; | |
DOI : 10.4000/bifea.2543 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Considering the limits of preventive action and the weaknesses in the systems of crisis management, this article aims to demonstrate the relevance of a spatial approach to crisis management and the need to enlarge research on this issue. It is necessary to reflect upon the types of spaces and the territories involved in the management of crises being treated in these investigations. The case of Quito is proposed as an example of the application of this approach. We identify crisis management areas in the Quito metropolitan district in order to link areas where the population is particularly vulnerable with areas of health care resources. The example shows that the spatial approach of crisis management permit to go beyond disaster preparedness, establishing relationships between preparedness, prevention and mitigation planning.
【 授权许可】