BMC Nephrology | 卷:5 |
Determination of iron sucrose (Venofer) or iron dextran (DexFerrum) removal by hemodialysis: an |
iron sucrose;
iron dextran;
DOI : 10.1186/1471-2369-5-1 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Intravenous iron is typically administered during the hemodialysis (HD) procedure. HD patients may be prescribed high-flux (HF) or high-efficiency (HE) dialysis membranes. The extent of iron sucrose and iron dextran removal by HD using HF or HE membranes and by ultrafiltration rate (UFR) is unknown.
The greatest percentage removal from the SBS was 13.5% and -0.03% utilizing system A and B, respectively. Iron sucrose and iron dextran dialysate concentration was below the lower limits of assay (< 2 ppm) for system A. Dialysate recovery of iron was negligible: 0 – 5.4 mg system A and 5.47 – 23.59 mg for system B. Dialyzer type or UFR did not affect iron removal.
HF or HE dialysis membranes do not remove clinically significant amounts of iron sucrose or dextran formulations over a 4-hour HD session. This effect remained constant even controlling for UFR up to 500 ml/hour. Therefore, iron sucrose and iron dextran are not dialyzed by HE or HF dialysis membranes irrespective of UFR.
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