European Journal of Entomology 卷:113
Settling moths as potential pollinators of Uncaria rhynchophylla (Rubiaceae)
Shinji SUGIURA1  Daichi FUNAMOTO2 
[1] e-mails: dai.funamoto@gmail.com, sugiura.shinji@gmail.com;
[2] Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan;
关键词: key words. lepidoptera;    crambidae;    geometridae;    erebidae;    noctuidae;    floral visitors;    generalized pollination system;    nocturnal moths;   
DOI  :  10.14411/eje.2016.065
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nocturnal pollinators such as moths have received less attention than diurnal insects. To elucidate whether nocturnal moths are important pollinators, we observed both the diurnal and nocturnal visitors to the flowers of Uncaria rhynchophylla (Rubiaceae) in a warm-temperate forest in central Japan. The diurnal visitors included various taxonomic groups (e.g., bees, hoverflies and butterflies). The nocturnal visitors were exclusively moths (Geometridae, Erebidae, Noctuidae and Crambidae). Pollen grains of U. rhynchophylla were attached to both diurnal and nocturnal visitors. Although diurnal flower visitors carried pollen grains of other plant species, nocturnal moths did not carry heterospecific pollen grains. These results suggest that nocturnal moths, as well as diurnal insects, are important pollinators of U. rhynchophylla.

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