Computers 卷:11
Traffic Request Generation through a Variational Auto Encoder Approach
Sergio Taraglio1  Stefano Chiesa1 
[1]ENEA, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Casaccia Research Centre, 00123 Rome, Italy
关键词: generative models;    variational autoencoder;    traffic model;    urban mobility;   
DOI  :  10.3390/computers11050071
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Traffic and transportation forecasting is a key issue in urban planning aimed to provide a greener and more sustainable environment to residents. Their privacy is a second key issue that requires synthetic travel data. A possible solution is offered by generative models. Here, a variational autoencoder architecture has been trained on a floating car dataset in order to grasp the statistical features of the traffic demand in the city of Rome. The architecture is based on multilayer dense neural networks for encoding and decoding parts. A brief analysis of parameter influence is conducted. The generated trajectories are compared with those in the dataset. The resulting reconstructed synthetic data are employed to compute the traffic fluxes and geographic distribution of parked cars. Further work directions are provided.
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